Drought Tolerance


There is a major swing towards warm season grasses in Australia because of the lower water requirement and AgriDark fits that picture perfectly.

AgriDark has demonstrated a tolerance to dry conditions, which in changing climatic times becomes a very important factor, particularly in Australia but with some application to New Zealand as well.

The following photographs are a classic example of what I am talking about. They were taken on the same day in Palmerston North (central North Island, New Zealand) during the summer of 2007/08 when the city went through a very dry period.  You can see that the cool season grasses in the left photograph have burnt right off through lack of water whereas the AgriDark, in exactly the same conditions, is flourishing. It also gives a good idea of the lovely deep green colour that gives AgriDark a competitive advantage over other couch types.

Plamerwston North kerbs